So Adam is making a LONG drive up to the bay all the way from Orange County today. He loaded up the big truck he rented and left
OC at about 7am, arriving up here at about 3pm. It was an
obstacle for him seeing that he didn't have his
iPod with him, the truck had no CD player, he couldn't go faster than about 60mph, and to make all matters worse, Sofie who he was transporting in her kennel had terrible motion sickness the
entire way and lets just say she got sick in every way possible =/
So they finally made it here and are all set to go. Next up we will see the Blue Angels tomorrow for the beginning of Fleet Week. I love the air show because I remember going to see them with my family as a kid many times at the El
Toro base. Candi, Adam and I plan on walking down to the Marina Green at about noon to get a spot, eat some picnic food and watch the show. Can't wait!