February 2, 2010

On Being Outdoorsy

I hadn't been feeling in the mood to blog in the last few months. Not for any particular reason, other than I just wasn't feeling motivated...that is until I caught up with my friend's awesome blog, and poof! Inspiration city!

Not sure if anyone out there is actually reading this stimulating blog of mine, but writing does help me feel a bit more creative, and so I will try to keep up with it if not only for my own sanity.

New Year's weekend this year was great. Ad and I took a trip down to Monterrey and Carmel. Its so beautiful and serene there. As much as I'm enjoying the city, I definitely get a bit nutty after a few weeks of not venturing outside of it. Much of it had to do with the lack of driving in my life. And while a car isn't needed in a city like San Francisco where one can quickly hop on a bus/train/trolley and best of all walk, to any destination within its boundaries, it also definitely leaves me feeling a bit limited. I sometimes miss the freedom that comes with jumping in your car and going for a drive.
This weekend  we drove up to Point Reyes National Forest. Its about an hour north of the city, and is a great escape.

We took a great 4 mile hike, and are already planning another trip set for maybe this next weekend. Woot!

And to keep up with our "outdoorsey" weekend, we also packed a bag and headed for Golden Gate Park recently.  On tow we had a picnic blanket, sandwiches the husband make for us, iced tea, and our current books we're reading.

On my New Year's resolution list is to begin reading the classics.  I've always loved to read, but mostly books with such titles as True Confessions of a Shopoholic, Twilight the series, On Fifth Avenue and so on.  You get the point.
So first on this year's list is a book that contains both Walden and Civil Disobedience by Thoreau.  Good books for those spiritual/granola type of moods.
Waterfalls are great!

1 comment:

Nick and Mariana Vona said...

Hey Liz,
Thanks for the link to my blog and for calling it the "awsome blog" hehe.
Yeah, keep updating it, I follow it and I'm a big fan!!
Sometimes I update my blog as if I would be writing a journal. The way I see it is that it is a good way of looking back and see what I have done in the past and bring up the memories. For me it has been an escape and a way of sharing and expressing my thoughts. I never imagined so many people would be reading it =). I have fans in the UK, Australia, Mexico and the US. So I am happy about that!
So, keep it up my friend!! You never now who is reading out there..